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Jeddah, (MOFA) - The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) welcomed the agreements reached at the end of the inter-Libyan dialogue hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco in the city of Bouznika between the delegations of the Libyan House of Representatives and the High Council of State on the mechanisms and criteria for the selection of the senior position’s holders at the sovereign institutions.

These agreements "represent an important opportunity to move forward on the path of dialogue for peace, security and stability in Libya and in the region," the organization said in a statement issued on Friday.

The OIC General Secretariat highly appreciated the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco, the United Nations and international partners to help the Libyans achieve a comprehensive political solution that meets the aspirations of the Libyan people.

The organization, thus called on the Libyans to "give priority to the interests of the Libyan people", stressing the need to put an end to foreign military interventions in the country.

The statement also called on the international community to support initiatives aimed at achieving the expected political solution in Libya.

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