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Omicron: Morocco Suspends Starting Dec. 23 Mechanism Allowing Return of Moroccans Stranded Abroad
The Moroccan authorities have decided to suspend the mechanism put in place to allow Moroccans residing in the Kingdom and stranded abroad to return to the national territory, after a week, namely on December 23, 2021 because of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant.

Given the rapid spread of the Omicron variant at the global level and its worrying progress in the European neighborhood of Morocco, the Moroccan authorities, who have established, for the benefit of Moroccans effectively residing in the Kingdom and stranded abroad, a mechanism to enable them to return to the national territory, have decided to suspend this mechanism, after a week, namely on Thursday, December 23, 2021.

Starting from that date, passenger flights to the Kingdom will be banned again.

Moroccan authorities strongly recommend that Moroccan nationals affected by this measure and who wish to return to the Kingdom, to make the necessary arrangements for their return, before this date.

Moroccan authorities will continue to place the preservation of the physical integrity and health of Moroccans, before any other consideration.

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