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Nezha El Ouafi,ministre déléguée chargée des Marocains résidant à l'étranger
Morocco called, on Monday in Jeddah, to launch a constructive dynamic of peace in order to reach a just, lasting and equitable settlement for the Palestinian cause which is the center of the conflict in the Middle East.

The launch of this dynamic is the only way to achieve a realistic, applicable, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue, so as to enable the peoples of the region to live in dignity, prosperity and stability and to guarantee the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to the establishment of their independent, viable and sovereign state with East Al Quds as its capital, said Minister Delegate for Moroccans Abroad Nezha El Ouafi at an extraordinary meeting of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), at the level of Foreign Ministers.

The Kingdom of Morocco is convinced that the settlement of the Palestinian question is the key to stability in the Middle East, she said, stressing that Morocco considers the constructive efforts by the US administration, follows with interest the announcement by the US President of his peace plan and will give careful consideration to its details and provisions. Morocco noted elements that overlap with principles and choices that it has always defended, based on support for the internationally-recognized two-state solution, the negotiations between the two parties as the best way to reach a solution, in addition to the willingness to favor dialogue, added the Minister Delegate.

The acceptance of these principles by the two parties is essential to execute this plan and ensure its sustainability, said El Ouafi. Concerning Al Quds Asharif, whose Committee is chaired by HM King Mohammed VI, Morocco affirmed that its legal status must be preserved and that the final decision on this subject must be the results of negotiations between the two parties in accordance with international law.

The Kingdom is convinced that Al Quds must remain a symbol of peaceful coexistence between the followers of the three monotheistic religions and a center of the values of mutual respect and dialogue as stated by the Call of Al Quds, signed on March 30, 2019 in Rabat between HM King Mohammed VI and His Holiness Pope Francis.

In addition to El Ouafi, Morocco is represented at this meeting by a delegation including the director of the Eastern region, the Gulf, and Arab and Islamic organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad Fouad Akhrif, and Deputy Permanent Representative of Morocco to the OIC Abdallah Babah.

This meeting, held at the request of Palestine, comes two days after a meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo, which ended with the rejection of the "deal" and the reaffirmation of Arab attachment to the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state with Al Quds as its capital.

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