Poland supports the preservation of free movement and cross-border trade in El Guergarat area

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La Pologne appuie la préservation de la libre circulation et des échanges transfrontaliers dans la zone d'El Guergarat
Poland affirmed its support for preserving freedom of movement and cross-border trade in El Guergarat area.

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Morocco expressed on Thursday November 24th, Poland's alignment with the statement made by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mr. Josep Borrell regarding the situation in the area of ​​El Guergarat.

The Republic of Poland thus confirmed the importance of preserving freedom of movement and cross-border trade in the El Guergarat area, in view of its significant impact throughout the Maghreb and Sahel region.

Poland also stressed the importance of respecting the ceasefire agreements in place since 1991.

Poland also affirmed its support for the efforts of the United Nations and its Secretary General with a view to finding a peaceful settlement to the question of the Sahara, in compliance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and in particular the latest resolution (2548) adopted on October 30, 2020.


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