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Political Dialogue
Bouznika, (MOFA) - The political dialogue between the delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and the Tobruk Parliament is taking place in a "positive and constructive" manner and "important compromises" have been reached, said, Tuesday in Bouznika, the representative of the Libyan High Council of State, Mohamed Khalifa Najm.

Mr. Najm indicated that the political dialogue between the two delegations is taking place in a positive and constructive manner, stressing that both parties hope to achieve positive and concrete results that could pave the way for the completion of the process of a comprehensive political settlement throughout the country.

The discussions, he added, resulted in important compromises that include the establishment of clear standards to eradicate corruption and the squandering of public funds and to end the state of institutional division.

Started on Sunday, the sessions of the Libyan dialogue between the delegations of the High Council of State and the Tobruk Parliament, which aims at maintaining the ceasefire and opening negotiations to end the conflicts between the Libyan protagonists, continued Tuesday morning in Bouznika.

At the end of the first day, the two delegations expressed their sincere ambition to reach a consensus that will end the deadlock in Libya and the suffering of the Libyan citizen.

They also welcomed the sincere will and concern of the Kingdom of Morocco to create the appropriate fraternal climate helping to find a solution to the Libyan crisis in order to achieve political and economic stability in Libya and to address the suffering of the Libyan people and move towards building a strong and stable State.

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