Portuguese FM Welcomes Morocco's 'Very Serious & Credible’ Autonomy Initiative

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Portuguese FM Welcomes Morocco's 'Very Serious & Credible’ Autonomy Initiative
Portuguese Foreign Minister, Augusto Santos Silva, welcomed, Wednesday in Rabat, the Moroccan autonomy initiative, saying that the Moroccan plan is a "very serious and credible" initiative for the settlement of the Sahara issue.

Speaking at a press briefing following talks with the Moroccan minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans abroad, Nasser Bourita, the Portuguese top-diplomat said that the "very serious and credible" autonomy initiative submitted by Morocco is helping to advance the settlement process of this regional dispute.

"The Portuguese position on this regional dispute is well-known. We hope that the process conducted under the auspices of the United Nations and in accordance with the recommendations and resolutions of the Security Council will take place with the prospect of obtaining concrete results," he said.

The Portuguese minister, who is on an official visit to Morocco, underlined, in this regard, the importance of achieving a "realistic, sustainable and pragmatic" solution.

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