Portuguese Head of Diplomacy Mr. Augusto Santos Silva congratulates Morocco for its leadership in the field of migration

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Le Chef de la diplomatie portugaise M. Augusto Santos Silvafélicite le Maroc pour son “leadership” dans le domaine de la migration
Marrakech, 02/03/2020 (MAEC)- In a statement to "Diplomatie.ma", the Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva congratulated Morocco's leadership in managing migration-related issues, on the sidelines of the 8th Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development.

The Portuguese head of diplomacy noted that, "The 8th Ministerial Conference of the 5+5 Dialogue on Migration and Development has been fruitful and I would like to congratulate Morocco for its leadership in the field of migration,"
He also pointed out that this informal dialogue between the five European, Western Mediterranean and five African countries, and of course migration and development, "constitute today a major subject of our cooperation, which must take place within the United Nations and the Global Pact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration context.
He continued that, migration must also be dealt within the framework of cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean and also at bilateral level", adding that the political declaration, which he described as "very important", had been approved.
"More importantly, it is the roadmap, which tells us how to implement the measures we have approved".

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