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Statement Delivered by Mr. Mohcine Jazouli, Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and the Moroccan Expatriates
“Extraordinary meeting of the Arab League on the United States Peace Plan”
Cairo 1st February

His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas

His Excellency the Secretary General of the Arab League

Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen

The Kingdom of Morocco wishes to express the following positions:

The Kingdom of Morocco hopes that a constructive peace efforts with a view of achieving a realistic, just, lasting and applicable solution to the Israeli Arab conflict will be launched, with the aim to satisfy the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, towards achieving independent and sovereign State with Jerusalem East as its capital and give the opportunity to the people of this region to live in dignity, prosperity and stability.

The resolution of the Palestinian issue is the key to stability in the Middle East. 

As such the Kingdom of Morocco appreciates the constructive peace efforts of the United States Administration with a view to achieving lasting, just, and equitable solution to this issue.

The Kingdom of Morocco followed with interest the peace plan of the President Donald Trump on the Israeli Palestinian issue. In view of the importance of this vision and its scope, Morocco will examine its details very carefully.

Already, Morocco has noted elements of convergence with the principles and options that it has always defended in this matter: these include particularly the two-state solution; It is also about negotiation between the two parties as the preferred approach to reach any solution, while maintaining an openness to dialogue.

Acceptance by the parties of the various elements is, indeed, fundamental to the implementation and sustainability of this plan.

In this context while the economic dimension is important, it must be complemented by a political dimension.

The Kingdom Considers that the status of Jerusalem must be preserved. The final decision must be discussed between the parties in accordance with international legality.

Finally, the Kingdom of Morocco would like to reiterate its steady support to the Palestinian cause in order to reach an equitable and lasting solution to this issue which will satisfy our Palestinians brothers.

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