Statement by the Royal Office

Sunday 13 June 2021
As part of the Very High Solicitude with which His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God assist Him, has always surround the members of the Moroccan community residing abroad, and of the permanent Royal Attention to preserve their attachment to the mother country, His Majesty the King, May God glorify Him, has given His Very High Instructions to all the competent authorities and the different actors involved in the field of transport, in order to work towards facilitating their return home at affordable prices.
In this context, His Majesty the King, May God assist Him, instructed all stakeholders in the field of air transport, in particular the company Royal Air Maroc, as well as the various stakeholders in maritime transport, to ensure they practice reasonable prices accessible to all, and ensure a sufficient number of rotations, in order to allow Moroccan families abroad to return to their homeland and reconnect with their families and relatives, particularly in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic.
His Majesty the King also urged all tourism operators, both in the field of transport and hotels, to make the necessary arrangements to welcome members of the Moroccan community residing abroad in the best conditions and at the best prices.