Suriname Announces Forthcoming Opening of an Embassy in Rabat and a Consulate in Dakhla

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Le Suriname annonce l'ouverture prochaine d'une Ambassade à Rabat et d'un Consulat à Dakhla
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, received on March 11, 2021, the Surinamese Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and International Cooperation, Mr. Albert Ramdin.

Talks between the ministers focused on the opportunities to develop bilateral relations, strengthen trade within the framework of South-South cooperation and by including the private sector. The talks were followed by the signature of a roadmap that provides for the implementation of projects in the fields of tourism, development, investment, agriculture and renewable energies between 2021 and 2024.

In a joint press briefing held afterwards, Mr. Ramdin noted that, since July 28, 2004, date of the start of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Suriname, the partnership between the two countries has significantly evolved, recalling the readiness to deepen the political dialogue, renew bilateral ties and share views on regional and multilateral cooperation.

Mr. Ramdin also reaffirmed "the support of the Republic of Suriname for the territorial integrity of Morocco by reiterating its unshakeable position concerning the Moroccanness of the Sahara and the sovereignty of Morocco over its southern provinces."

"To this end, the government of the Republic of Suriname announces that it will set up an embassy in Rabat and a consulate in Dakhla, in order to boost bilateral cooperation and promote investment and trade," Mr.  Ramdin added. 

MFA Nasser Bourita thanked Suriname for its constant and constructive position to defend the territorial integrity of Morocco.

MFA Bourita stressed that the signing of the roadmap, which is the second agreement between the two countries, consolidates the excellent and friendly relations that exist between the two countries and promotes their bilateral cooperation.

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