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Ouverture sans interruption du Pont Allenby/Roi Hussein, suite à une médiation marocaine, sous le leadership de SM le Roi
Thanks to a direct mediation by the Kingdom of Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Israeli authorities have decided to open, without interruption, the Allenby/King Hussein border crossing, linking the West Bank and Jordan.

This mediation, led by the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States of America, led to an agreement for the permanent 24/7 opening of this crossing, which is the only opening of the Palestinians to the world.

The opening of this border crossing, located about 50 km from the capital Amman, will be effective soon, from the moment the logistical conditions are met, especially in terms of human resources.

The opening of this crossing, which is very popular with Palestinians, will have a beneficial impact on the daily lives of Palestinians and will facilitate the movement of people and goods.

This mediation is, once again, an eloquent testimony of the interest of His Majesty the King, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, in the Palestinian cause and the well-being of the Palestinians.

The Israeli Minister of Transportation, Merav Michaeli, took the opportunity of the announcement of the opening of the border crossing to thank HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, and the American President, Joe Biden, for their commitment and their continuous efforts for peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

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