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United Nations - The United Nations Security Council held a meeting, on Thursday, January 28th 2021, on reviewing the latest developments in Libya during which the positive role and important contribution of Morocco to resolve the conflict in that country were widely highlighted and welcomed.

During this latest briefing of her mandate as Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Stéphanie Williams presented the Report of the UN Secretary-General of January 19, 2021, which covers, in particular, the recent political, security and economic developments in Libya, as well as the activities of the United Nations Support Mission in this country (UNSMIL), since August 25, 2020.

In this report, Secretary General Antonio Guterres highlighted Morocco's role in resolving the Libyan conflict. In this regard, he indicated that from September 6 to 10, delegations representing members of the Chamber of Deputies and of the High Council of State met in Bouznika to discuss appointments to key positions laid down in article 15 of the Libyan Political Agreement, including those of Governor of the Central Bank of Libya and Head of the Audit Office.

The report stated that on September 20, the High Council of State approved the outcome of the Bouznika talks. Delegations from the Chamber of Deputies and the High Council of State met again in Morocco on September 30 and reached a provisional agreement on the selection criteria, in particular with regard to the representation of the three historical regions of Libya, the required competences and the terms of appointment to key positions. Consultative meetings continued in Tangier from November 23 to 28, and in Ghadames (Libya) on December 6.

The Secretary General of the United Nations also underlined that on August 27, in Rabat, his interim Special Representative met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita and other Moroccan officials to examine the Moroccan initiative to support the mediation process initiated by the UN.

During the discussions of the members of the Council, several countries welcomed the contribution of Morocco to the resolution of the Libyan crisis.

In this context, the representative of China commended Morocco for the major role it plays in bringing the Libyan parties together in order to resolve this conflict.

For his part, the Vietnamese Ambassador expressed his gratitude to the Kingdom for its ongoing efforts in promoting the peace talks in Libya.

Speaking at this meeting, the Ambassador of Libya thanked Morocco for its role in the signing, in 2015 in Skhirat, of the Libyan Political Agreement, and for its hosting of the latest inter-Libyan meetings, which are part of the vision set by the Libyans for a peaceful solution to the conflict.

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