Zambia Welcomes US Decision To Recognize Moroccan Sovereignty over Sahara

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La Zambie salue la décision des États-Unis de reconnaître la souveraineté du Maroc sur son Sahara
Lusaka - The Republic of Zambia welcomed the historic decision of the United States of America to recognize the full and entire Moroccanness of the Kingdom of Morocco over its Sahara.

The government of the Republic of Zambia welcomes the prospects for peace created by the American government through the Presidential Decree of December 10, 2020 recognizing the full sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over the whole of the Moroccan Sahara region.

Zambia also welcomes the sovereign initiative of the United States of America to open a consulate in Dakhla, with an essentially economic vocation, to encourage American investments in the region.

Zambia will continue to support efforts to restore peace and prosperity in the Sahara and lauds Morocco's commitment to ensure peace and prosperity in the Moroccan Sahara.

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