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His Majesty the King Sends Message of Congratulations to Members of National Football Team of Local Players, After Winning CHAN-2021
His Majesty King Mohammed VI has sent a message of congratulations to the members of the national football team of local players that won on Sunday the African Nations Championship (CHAN), organized by Cameroon.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses his warm congratulations following this well-deserved continental title and congratulates all those who have contributed to this achievement, the second in a row, including players, coaches, medical, technical and administrative staff, as well as officials and the Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF).

His Majesty the King said he appreciated the strong determination, the great sportsmanship and the brilliant technical performance displayed by the national team during this competition.

The Sovereign also underlines that the members of the national team demonstrated during this tournament the strong continental presence of national football.

While reiterating his pride in this sporting achievement that honors Moroccan football, His Majesty the King wishes the members of the national team every success in claiming more titles at the various regional, continental and international competitions.

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