This aid, which coincides with the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, aims to alleviate the suffering of Palestinian populations, notably their most vulnerable sections.
Thus, the aid ordered by His Majesty the King, may God assist Him, for the population of Gaza is made up of over 40 tons of foodstuffs, including basic foodstuffs.
Besides the institutional aid, deployed notably through the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, His Majesty the King, may God glorify Him, has covered, from the Sovereign’s personal funds, a large part of the dispatched aid, particularly the aid delivered to babies and young children.
since the outbreak of armed hostilities more than five months ago, Morocco is the first country to dispatch, through this unprecedented land route, its humanitarian aid which will be delivered directly to recipient populations.
Moreover, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, has also given His Very High Instructions to Bayt Mal Al Quds Agency to provide a humanitarian aid to the populations of this Holy City. Thus, 2,000 food baskets for 2,000 Al Quds families will be distributed and 1,000 meals will be served daily for Palestinians in the City. The aid also provides for setting up an emergency coordination room in the Jerusalem Hospital.
This large-scale humanitarian operation for Palestinian populations confirms the effective commitment and continued solicitude of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, for the Palestinian cause.