This mobility has taken into account the strong presence of the Moroccan community in certain regions of the world. To this end, the two consular posts in Libya, Tripoli and Benghazi, will be reopened, and the opening of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Miami will be operationalized, in order to alleviate the pressure on the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco in New York and the consular service in Washington.
In fact, 39% of appointed Consuls General are women, occupying important consular posts in the USA, Canada and Italy, raising the overall rate of female Consuls General from 28% in 2022 to 37% in 2023.
In the spirit of promotion, 22% of posts filled were awarded to Consuls General who had successfully completed their mission to occupy more strategic or larger consular posts. Similarly, and in a spirit of valuing consular referents, 26% of newly-appointed Consuls General are ex-Consuls General with experience of responsibility in the Central Service or in Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts.
Moreover, in a move designed to reconcile rejuvenation with proven experience, 52% of the Consuls General concerned by this move are appointed for the first time.
Of all new appointments, 78% have already worked in a consular post, and 22% come from other fields of diplomacy.
As part of this move, two Directors and a former Director of Central Administration were appointed to the post of Consul General.
List of the new Consuls General for the year 2023 List