Azerbaijan: the Non-Aligned Summit opens with Morocco’s participation

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The proceedings of the Contact Group Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) opened, on March 02nd, 2023 in Baku, with the participation of Morocco.

The Moroccan delegation, led by the Morocco's Ambassador Permanent Representative to the UN, Mr. Omar Hilale, includes the Kingdom's Ambassador in Azerbaijan, Mr. Adil Embarch, the Director of the United Nations and International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Radouane El Husseini, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Mr. Abdelkrim Meziane Belfkih.

Ambassador Omar Hilale, highlighted, Thursday in Baku, the Royal vision of the post-Covid-19 economic recovery during the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit.

In his speech at this summit focused on the post-Covid-19 global recovery, the diplomat detailed the initiatives launched by the Kingdom in the economic and health fields, pursuant to the High Royal Instructions related to the post-Covid-19 economic recovery plan.

"In line with the wise royal vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, the Kingdom has adopted a new development model based on prioritizing the needs and aspirations of citizens and on a profound and rapid reform of the national health system based on the principles of sustainability, resilience, security and health sovereignty," he said.

The Moroccan diplomat noted, in this regard, that HM the King has launched a set of initiatives touching on many fundamental issues for the recovery of the economy and the strengthening of the resilience of the national and continental health system.

These initiatives include the launch of a recovery plan worth 12 billion dollars, equivalent to 11% of the domestic product of the Kingdom, in addition to the creation of the Mohammed VI Fund for investment, as a locomotive to boost investment and contribute to economic recovery in a context of global crisis.

They also include the launch of a workshop for the generalization of social protection and the consolidation of its various systems into a unified system including the entire population, as well as the establishment of the first national project for the manufacture and production of anti-epidemic vaccines as a proactive measure to meet all national and African needs, he added.

In the same vein, the diplomat said that the Kingdom hosted the first African Conference on Health Risk Reduction, placed under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, which recommended the development of a Pan-African Charter for Health Risk Reduction and the creation of an independent continental health security fund.

"The Kingdom of Morocco is honored to be a partner in the negotiation process of the United Nations General Assembly on the political declaration of the high-level international meeting on the prevention, preparedness and control of epidemics," he added, referring to the role of the Kingdom in the drafting of the political declaration on this subject, which will be adopted at the level of Heads of State and Government, during the high-level week of the 78th session of the General Assembly, on September 20.

Mr. Hilale called for stimulating collective thinking within the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to meet the urgent post-Covid-19 challenges, and to turn them into an opportunity to lay the foundations of a new, fairer and more equitable world order.

The diplomat also noted that "the post-Covid-19 phase is characterized by many urgent challenges related to the issues of health, energy, food and disparities between countries and within societies in the context of the recovery of the global economy after a crisis that lasted more than two years".

"It has become imperative for us, as the largest gathering of states after the United Nations, to stimulate collective thinking within our movement to address these challenges and turn them into an opportunity to lay the foundations for a new, fairer and more equitable world order," he said, noting that this world order should rest on a pragmatic and realistic approach based on results that place the needs of the world's population at the center of concerns, far from sterile ideological conflicts.

In Mr. Hilale's view, the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of the multilateral system and its poor performance in the face of this unprecedented challenge in terms of global impact and consequences.

While this crisis implied the intensification of constructive international cooperation, synergy and solidarity, countries chose a closed approach and prioritized their national interest, which contributed to increase the fragility of joint international action and weaken the role of international organizations, he noted.

He stressed that more than three years after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the international community is facing a decisive moment that calls on humanity to give its best to respond to the profound challenges and successive transformations related to food and energy security issues, climate change and the disruption of supply chains.

The diplomat recalled, in this sense, that HM King Mohammed VI has put forward these challenges in the speech addressed to the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Edinburgh.

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