The King of Bahrain receives MFA Nasser Bourita

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The King of Bahrain, His Majesty Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, received, On January 26, 2023, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, on a visit to Manama leading a large delegation to chair the fifth session of the High Joint Commission between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Kingdom of Morocco.

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa expressed, during this audience attended by the ambassador of His Majesty the King in Manama, Mustapha Benkhiyi, his pride in the long-standing relations between the two Kingdoms, their leaders and their brotherly peoples, and his constant interest in strengthening them in all fields.

The King of Bahrain also sent his greetings to his brother, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and his sincere wishes to the Moroccan people for further development and prosperity.

He also praised the efforts of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in developing the close relations between the two kingdoms, noting the high level of relations between the two countries that are getting stronger and prospering.

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa hailed the good results of the meeting of the Joint Commission in terms of strengthening the ways of fruitful cooperation, joint action and mutual coordination for the interest and development of both countries and peoples.

For his part, Mr. Bourita conveyed to the King of Bahrain the greetings and appreciation of his brother, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and the sincere wishes of the Sovereign to the Kingdom of Bahrain and its people for continued progress and development.

The Minister expressed his thanks and gratitude to the King of Bahrain for his attention and interest in strengthening the strong fraternal bilateral relations, stressing that the Bahraini-Moroccan relations always enjoy the support and attention of the Kings of both brotherly countries.

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