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Pour Washington, le partenariat maroco-américain est "enraciné dans des intérêts communs pour la paix, la sécurité et la prospérité"
The partnership between the United States and Morocco "is rooted in shared interests in regional peace, security, and prosperity", said on November 22, in Washington U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken.

"Secretary Blinken emphasized that the longstanding bilateral partnership is rooted in shared interests in regional peace, security, and prosperity," said State Department spokesperson Ned Price in a statement following talks between the US Secretary of State and Morocco's minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita.

The two sides discussed a range of regional issues, Price added.

In a brief speech before the start of these talks, the U.S. top diplomat welcomed the "solid and longstanding" partnership between the United States and Morocco, while reaffirming the will of his country to further consolidate it.

"We have a longstanding partnership with Morocco, which we want to strengthen and deepen," he said.

Mr. Bourita highlighted the centuries-old and multidimensional relations binding the two countries as well as the importance of further consolidating them in the face of common challenges, in accordance with the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

"We have a very longstanding partnership and it is time to enrich it further, to enrich our strategic dialogue, our military cooperation, and defend our interests and our values in the world," he said.

Mr. Bourita mentioned, on this occasion, a series of common challenges, including climate change, extremism, peace and security, all of which, he said, "give more relevance to this relation".

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