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Covid-19: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération Africaine et des Marocains Résidant à l’Etranger:
Rabat, (MOFA) - Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates has mobilized, from the very first hour, in an exceptional manner and tirelessly, both at central level and through its representations abroad with a single watchword: Bring moral support, multiform assistance and comfort to our citizens stranded abroad.

In an exceptional situation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, deploys ressources which are no less so, within the framework of preventive health measures, of great scope, taken by the Kingdom,  under the enlightened guidance of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him.  Morocco, as it has been praised internationally, didn't do in half measure in its response to the various aspects of management of the Covid-19 pandemic which indiscriminately hits the whole global community.
 To better deal with the consequences of this health crisis which has resulted, among other things, in the closing of borders, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates has set up monitoring cells at the level of diplomatic missions and consular posts mobilized 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.
 Diligence and great availability enabled thus the establishment of a direct contact with all Moroccans stranded abroad through a register which contains the data of each person, to maintain the contact and facilitate the exchange.  It should be noted that these actions are carried out under conditions where the host countries are also in a situation of health emergency and partial or total containment.
 To better illustrate this situation, keeping open a hotel establishment during this period is something of a miracle.  This is the result of an overreach to the officials of the host country to obtain derogations.  This also applies to travel, the acquisition of provisions, medicines, and basic necessities, to meet the needs and certain emergencies of Moroccan tourists.
 Contacts are also made with the authorities to extend the stays of tourists whose visas have expired.  It goes without saying that the action of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates and its representations abroad concerns all these stranded tourists and does not exclude any of them.  It should be noted here that the situations of the latter are not the same and change from one case to another.  Consequently, diplomatic missions and consular posts adapt to all situations and provide the necessary responses according to the needs expressed.
 These needs are not homogeneous, some need housing or food or both, others need medication, or even hospitalization.  The responses provided were adapted to each situation, with priority given to vulnerable people, elderly people with reduced mobility, and families with children.
 With regard to repatriation claims, the Ministry is aware of this and remains mobilized in the current situation, which is exceptional and must be managed in an exceptional manner.
 Repatriation must be well prepared.  Repatriation must be successful.  The conditions must be met so that we can meet this challenge, that our fellow citizens  can return to their families and that the health security of all Moroccans, without exception, is preserved or guaranteed.
 The general wish is that we can surmount this situation and that our country can overcome this difficult circumstance to resume normal life and so that everyone can return to their home.  The fact remains that no action, as effective or generous as it is, could replace this  existing situation or take off the frustration that some people experience.
 However, this is a time when everyone must continue to show solidarity and understanding, but also confidence and responsibility.  Confinement also concerns consular posts and embassies, but despite this we continue to operate with the entire staff to deal with this situation.
 The consular teams, devoted to this cause, are serene, committed, and aware of the moral and psychological toll of this situation,  will continue to discharge their duty.  The diplomatic missions and consular posts will continue to do their work and help our fellow citizens who are in need.

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